CSIR Guest Wireless Info

CSIR Guest Network for Internet Access - User Guide


This information is only valid where the new high speed wireless solution has not been installed.

Please see the "High Speed wireless Solution" menu to the left for the latest info.



The CSIR offers internet access to visitors and staff via WiFi hotspots connected to a central authentication system.

The CSIR Guest Network is provisioned through a captive portal.



Users who want to make use of the CSIR Guest Network need a modern internet browser.
Most modern laptop computers and hand held devices with WiFi capabilities are supported.



Select SSID

The CSIR Guest Network's SSID is 'CSIR Guest'.
Search for the network and connect to it via the device's WiFi interface.


 IMPORTANT: Do not use a proxy!


Visit a website

To start, visit any 'http://' website. A login screen will be presented by the captive portal requesting a username and password.

CSIR staff can use their LAN username and password to authenticate.

Visitors have to be in possession of a WiFi voucher issued by the CSIR. The voucher contains a username and password that is needed for authentication.

The internet browser may complain about a non-trusted certificate. To continue, accept the certificate.



After successful authentication, the browser will be redirected to the requested website.


Terminating the connection

To log out, type '' in the address bar of the internet browser.

The connection will auto-terminate after 15 minutes of inactivity, requiring re-authentication to continue using the internet.


CSIR Users

CSIR users need to take note of the following:

  • The CSIR intraweb and other internal websites will not be available through the CSIR Guest Network.

  • The CSIR's www website will be available

  • The Groupwise web interface is available to gain access to e-mail.

  • The Groupwise desktop application will also work once authenticated to the CSIR Guest Network.

  • VPN access to the CSIR network has not been activated yet from the CSIR Guest Network.


Technical Support

If you experience difficulties connecting to the CSIR Guest Network, please contact the CSIR Call Centre (012 841 3267) for assistance.