CSIR Guest Wireless Info
Connecting your iPad to the secure CSIR Wireless SSID.
- Open the Settings application
- Open the Wifi Tab.
- Enable Wifi if needed and select the CSIR Guest SSID.
- This process will (mostly) automatically open the Network Access Control captive portal pages.
- Click the "CSIR Support" link, just below the main logo, to install the iPad Network Profile.
- Click the "CSIR Wireless - Apple Devices" link in the Main Menu underneath the "Wifi Network / NAC" heading.
- Click on the "Apple Device CSIR Wireless Profile - IOS6, IOS7, OSX 10.6 - 10.9" profile link to start the profile installation process.
- The network profile will start to install.
- Verify that you want to install this profile.
- Use your Groupwise Mail credentials as login details.
- Select "Done" to complete the profile installation.
- Go back to the Settings/Wifi Tab and select the CSIR Wireless SSID.
- Select the CSIR Wireless SSID to open its properties. Your device will have received a 146.64.x.x ip address if it has correctly connected to the CSIR network.
- Your proxy server will be configured by the profile you just installed.
- Proxy server: http://www-proxy.csir.co.za:3128